For 2022, we've made some changes to how we offer attendee tickets and sponsor packages at Key West, based on feedback from past guests and partners. All ticket packages below are for one (1) attendee and presume single occupancy in the hotel room or suite (please see the options to add +1 for meals!). If you can't find something you are seeking, let us know and we can guide you! We are also piloting a new online payment system this year, so your feedback is welcomed.

Platinum Package
All-access, all events, all the time ...$10,000
3 nights in a 1-BR suite with ocean view at Casa Marina Resort
Cocktail & Credentials Welcome (Sunday)
Beach Reception (Sunday)
Choice of Golf Excursion or Fishing Excursion (Monday)
VIP Dinner at "Real World" House in Key Haven (Monday)
Business Leaders Brunch (Tuesday)
Pool Party at Casa Marina (Tuesday)
Closing Night Banquet (Tuesday)
Transportation to all Off-Site Events

" Vitamin Sea" Package
Get out on the water, it's good for the soul ...$5,000
3 nights in a Standard Room at Casa Marina Resort
Cocktail & Credentials Welcome (Sunday)
Beach Reception (Sunday)
Fishing Excursion (Monday) with private Key West charter
Pool Party at Casa Marina (Tuesday)
Closing Night Banquet (Tuesday)
Transportation to all Off-Site Events

"On the Green" Package
Links by the ocean? Yes, please ...$5,000
3 nights in a Standard Room at Casa Marina Resort
Cocktail & Credentials Welcome (Sunday)
Beach Reception (Sunday)
Golf Excursion (Monday) to Key West Golf Club
Pool Party at Casa Marina (Tuesday)
Closing Night Banquet (Tuesday)
Transportation to all Off-Site Events
Package Add-Ons

Spouse/Partner Meals Package - $2,000
Can be added to any of the above Guest Packages with Sleeping Room
Hotel accommodations will become double-occupancy
Includes all general-attendance events:
Cocktail & Credentials Welcome (Sunday)
Beach Reception (Sunday)
Pool Party at Casa Marina (Tuesday)
Closing Night Banquet (Tuesday)

Business Leaders Brunch - $750
Can be added to any of the above Guest Packages with Sleeping Room

"On Island Time" Package
Schedules? We don't need no stinkin' schedules ...$4,000
3 nights in a Standard Room at Casa Marina Resort
Cocktail & Credentials Welcome (Sunday)
Beach Reception (Sunday)
Pool Party at Casa Marina (Tuesday)
Closing Night Banquet (Tuesday)